The Bones of Titans Read online

Page 5

  But then Siki said something else in Analyse. It sounded like she was angry with Andar and Leo, maybe even blaming them for KRenn’s sickly appearance.

  “You know, Princess,” Andar said, “it’s rude to speak another language around those who do not understand it.”

  “Is it as rude as lying and…what’s the word for entering a sacred place without permission?” she asked Leo.

  “Trespassing,” he answered.

  “As rude as lying and trespassing, like you did?”

  “No, not quite as rude,” Andar said humbly. “But two wrongs don’t make a right.”

  “Two wrongs? What do you mean?”

  “Never mind, Princess.”

  “You are disrespecting me every time you call me Princess.”

  “Not disrespecting,” Andar corrected.

  “Then what do you call it?”

  He thought for a moment.

  “It doesn’t matter,” she said. “I want you to use my title with respect, not with so much hesh.”


  “Never mind, Andar.”

  The silence that followed made Leo uncomfortable enough to try to think of something to say, but fortunately his brother spoke first.

  “The end of us all approaches, and yet you care how I address you.”

  Siki glared at Andar a moment, but then sudden despair flashed across her delicate features.

  Andar looked regretful as he put up his hands. “I didn’t mean—”

  “What did KRenn reveal to you!”

  “Nothing.” Andar said. “I was exaggerating. Everything is fine…will be fine.”

  She squinted at him for a moment before letting out her breath. “I wish my father was here to help KRenn because I don’t know how. They were friends a long time ago.”

  Leo immediately thought of Rygen. They had been the closest of friends as children. Leo had only seen her once since they’d grown, but he would never forget the feeling of her lips. Perhaps it was good that she wasn’t here right now. With her control over Esitry, she might be used in the same way Leo and Andar were. Dangerously.

  “I would like to send another letter,” Leo requested. “I know the first one is nowhere near Jatn yet, but so much has changed since I sent it yesterday.”

  “Yes, that is fine, Leo,” Siki said. “I can arrange for another letter to Jatn.”

  “I also want to send a letter,” Andar told her.

  “To who?” Siki asked skeptically.

  “I will give you their name and address when it’s time. They reside in the human capital, so I hope that’s not a problem.”

  “You said there was no one you needed write. I asked you yesterday.” Her accent wasn’t usually noticeable to Leo until she spoke incorrectly, like she did then. It reminded him how good her common tongue usually was and made Leo wonder if he should start learning Analyse. Hopefully, I won’t have to be here long.

  “I may not be in love with someone, like my brother is,” Andar said, “but I still have words I’d like to express in case…” He clearly had trouble finishing the sentence as he grimaced.

  “In case what?”

  “In case he dies,” KRenn answered as he approached. “Make sure Andar gets everything he requests. He deserves all we can do for him before we leave.”

  Siki looked at KRenn as if he’d made a joke in bad taste. “Why would he die?”

  “Because he’s going into the rift with me to put an end to all of this. It can only be Andar and myself. I also need to write a letter right now, one to your father, Siki. Please bring these boys to a room where they can write, and bring here what I need to write, as I continue to sort through these rift stones.”

  Leo realized then he’d been watching KRenn sort through the stones without paying attention. There were dozens of them stacked. Many were so small that Leo thought they couldn’t have much use. But others were large and colorful. There had to be at least a few testing stones over there, for Leo could feel the pull of what he now knew to be Taesitry.

  Siki led them through the palace. After some time of walking in silence, she asked Andar, “Why might you die? I apologize if that is an inappropriate way to ask. I don’t know the correct method.”

  “There is no correct method. Don’t you realize how dangerous it is to enter a rift?”

  “I…can’t KRenn keep you safe? He is very powerful.”

  “Yes, I’m sure we will be fine.” Andar didn’t sound worried, to Leo’s surprise.

  They arrived at an office where Leo and Andar shared the surface of a long desk and began their letters. Leo wasn’t sure exactly what he would write to Rygen. He supposed he wanted to tell her how KRenn returned and how Leo and Andar were now more involved in destroying the rift than before. It would be dangerous for them.

  He realized what he needed to say then. He needed to tell her how he truly felt in case he never saw her again. Before he delved into his emotions and figured out how to express them, he looked over to see who his brother was writing to. Andar had been with many different young women over the forty months of their training, but none of the relationships had lasted as long as the first. They’d all chosen to leave Andar eventually, which he’d jested about many times, but Leo could tell that Andar wanted to change that pattern.

  Leo didn’t know what it was about his brother that made women not want to stay with him for longer, but his little experiments with linking emotions probably didn’t help. Whenever Andar spoke about these young women, it seemed that he didn’t blame them for leaving. Looking over at his brother writing, Leo could see that it was the first woman in his life who Andar addressed now. They had remained friends over the years, so it came as no surprise.

  Siki speaking in anger surprised Leo. “Why are you not afraid!” she accused Andar.

  He looked up with a confused expression.

  “Aren’t you considering your safety?” She went on in Analyse as if she had trouble expressing herself in common tongue.

  “I don’t know what to tell you,” he admitted. “May I keep writing, Princess?” Andar used her title with respect in his tone this time.

  “You are stupid after all.” She gathered the writing supplies for KRenn and left.

  Leo turned to his brother, who seemed to be ignoring what the princess had said as he continued to write. Leo could use the stalwart link to search for Andar’s true emotions, but that felt like an invasion of his privacy. He decided to just ask instead.

  “Are you afraid?”

  Andar finished his sentence, then set down his quill. He took a slow breath before looking straight at Leo.

  “I’m terrified.”

  Leo embraced his brother. So am I.


  Dear Rygen,

  I wrote you another letter just yesterday that you should receive before this one, but so much has changed since then. We tried to destroy the rift, but a massive creature called a kasigerr fought us back. It was so large that it might’ve killed both the human and the Analyte armies if we didn’t run. My father was there with Erisena and the rebels. They tried to help but had to run from the kasigerr as well. Prince Gavval then ordered an attack on them! Fortunately, Mavrim stopped him. He wants peace for all us so we can kill the kasigerr and destroy the rift. We believe him.

  All of this probably is hard to digest, but I haven’t gotten to the most unbelievable part yet. KRenn Trange showed up today. He had been in the rift all this time, but he looks the same age as when he entered it 23 years ago! He says only a year has passed for him, so time must go by about 23 times slower in the dark realm. It means Jin will probably live for a long time from our point of view. KRenn has an idea on how to destroy the rift, but it takes planning and practice.

  Andar and I are working with him now because of our stalwart link. KRenn thinks we have the best chance to destroy the rift. Meanwhile, our father stays near the rift and plans with the kings. They will attack the kasigerr again soon, when we are ready. If the
beast is dead or at least injured, my brother and I should have an easier time destroying the rift.

  Everyone knows we are Quims now, and I am glad for it. There will be no more secrets from now on, I think. The beast and the rift might be difficult to destroy, but at least we’re all on the same side now.

  I think of you all the time. My brother and I are practicing holding a link of Artistry while walking into a cloud of Esitry that KRenn keeps together, but he’s getting sicker. We need someone else who can control Esitry like he can. I bet you could do it if you were here because you are so talented with the energy, and everything else you do.

  I worry because I see KRenn weakening, and I feel something else that he claims is a form of energy called Taesitry, but I’m not sure I believe that’s all there is. I think he’s hiding something.

  There’s so much more I want to tell you, but the Analyte princess is here to collect our letters so we can get back to training. (I think Andar likes her, though they don’t seem to get along.)

  Write me back, or better yet, come here if you can. We’re in the Analyte palace. I just asked the princess, and she says you are welcome to enter.

  --- Leo Quim

  Leo wished he’d had more time to figure out how to express his feelings to Rygen, but the princess really had come back with KRenn, who told them to finish.

  “The stones are ready,” KRenn said when Andar was done writing soon after Leo. “But we need a servant or guard,” he told Siki. “Someone who speaks common tongue.”

  “We have servants and guards, but none of them speak common tongue.”

  “In this whole palace?”

  “Most guards and servants are in the capital, helping provide for the armies.” She paused a moment as KRenn seemed to be in thought. “I speak common tongue,” she added. “And I want to help.”

  “That is fine.”

  KRenn turned to lead them back to the sealed room. No one spoke on the way, but Siki asked something as soon as they came to the door.

  “Will it be safe?”

  “For you?”

  “For everyone.”


  Siki furrowed her brow. “How unsafe?”


  After a dense silence, Andar asked, “What about just for Siki?”

  “She should be safe if she follows my instructions carefully.” He flashed an annoyed look over his shoulder, then turned around. “These questions are irrelevant. We are all doing what we must.”

  We just want to know you’ll try your best to keep us alive, Leo almost said. But he didn’t see the point. He supposed he did believe KRenn would try his best to keep them safe, even if he was angry all the time.

  Outside the sealed room was an assortment of stones of various colors. Leo could feel three testing stones among the rest. He found them with his gaze. They looked like normal rocks except for their silver tint. It had been so long since Leo had been near one. Now it felt as if something could be done with the Taesitry inside them.

  Without thinking, he reached out his hand and grabbed the energy. Surprised at feeling a good hold, he realized what he was doing and tried to stop. He drew back his hand, but he inadvertently pulled the energy as well. The three testing stones were pulled out of the pile, knocking some other stones away.

  Leo didn’t know why he had done that. “I’m sorry,” he told KRenn as he shoved the stones back into the pile.

  “Stop,” KRenn ordered.

  Leo froze and looked up, imagining all kinds of insults he would soon hear.

  “Do that again,” KRenn said to Leo’s surprise.

  After a moment of shock, Leo pulled the Taesitry stones up toward him from the ground. It was easy, he found. He let them float, glancing over at KRenn for further instruction.

  “Marvelous,” KRenn said. “I’ve never actually witnessed someone move Taesitry before. Perhaps it will be easier to work with than Artistry. But still we must practice to give ourselves as many options as possible. Take the stones with you inside the room.”

  Leo plucked each stone out of the air and pocketed it. He found it hard to stop from pulling on the Taesitry again. It’s just a reflex, he reminded himself. The Taesitry disrupts the Artistry in a way that makes me interested in using it. He wasn’t sure he completely understood what that meant, but it was basically what KRenn had told them.

  Within the sealed room, Leo saw that KRenn had organized the blue rift stones of Esitry. There were two stacks of them, one on each side of the small room.

  “These stones pull Esitry into our realm from the dark realm. They hold onto the Esitry until the rift gem is full,” KRenn explained. “It keeps pulling Esitry to our realm that it cannot hold onto, letting out the Esitry into the air where it usually bonds with Artistry and eventually changes. Now within this sealed room, there is enough Esitry that it keeps accumulating. Siki, are you strong physically?”

  “Very,” she answered confidently.

  Andar stifled a laugh. She glared at him.

  “Pick up a rift stone,” KRenn said.

  Siki picked one up. KRenn walked over to the other side of the room and grabbed a stone off the floor.

  “What are you going to do?” Siki asked.

  “I must bond the Esitry to itself to make the cloud of Esitry as dense as possible. It’s the only way to create an environment similar to the rift. However, Esitry does not bond with itself very easily. It needs to be crushed into itself to form a link strong enough to keep it intact. You must hold the stone firmly as I rip the energy out from both stones at once and drive the Esitry into itself. Leo and Andar, when the collision occurs, make a link between you. Andar, you walk into the dome of Esitry as you and Leo hold the link steady.”

  “Why not keep practicing with the dome that’s less dense?” Andar asked.

  “Because holding it together is wearing my stamina quickly. Additionally, the rift’s Esitry is dense. There’s no need to practice on a dome that’s weak. Are you ready, Siki?”

  She made one fist over the other. “I’m ready.”

  KRenn reached out toward Siki, then drew his arm back with a grunt. The blue stone flew right out from between her hands at a blurring speed. Andar had just enough time to jump and spin as it came at his midsection. It bounced off his ass hard enough to crash into a wall.

  Andar screamed in pain that even Leo felt. He fell to his knees and grabbed his rear.

  “My ass! Skyfire and ash!” He hissed.

  “I apologize!” Siki said as she ran over with her hands out.

  “You did that on purpose!”

  “No, I would never! I’m very sorry.”

  “Skyfire and ash that hurts! Damn, I’m not going to be able to sit for a week.”

  “I’m very, very sorry,” Siki said, but she started to laugh.

  “You’re laughing at me now!” Andar said in a shocked voice that made Leo chuckle.

  Siki laughed harder as her smile widened. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be laughing.” She tried to stop, but her laughter kept coming out. Leo didn’t bother holding his in as he laughed freely now. His brother had laughed at his misery plenty of times, so it was only fair.

  “I’m glad my pain is so amusing to the both of you.” Andar made his way to his feet, hissing as he rubbed his rear.

  “Siki,” KRenn said in a serious tone. “Will you be able to hold the stone, or should you fetch someone stronger from the capital who understands common tongue? This needs to happen as soon as possible.”

  “I can do it.”

  “If another slips out of your hand, it could do serious injury to one of us.”

  Andar seemed perturbed by the comment as he tended to the injury he surely deemed serious.

  “I’m sure I can do it,” Siki said as she walked toward the stone she had lost.

  Andar was closer, so he picked it up first. He gave her a long look.

  “I’m sure,” she said as she put out her hand.

  Andar gave it ov

  When everyone was in place, KRenn pulled out the Esitry from the two rift stones at opposite ends. Siki stumbled forward but soon planted her feet as she held on. Clouds of Esitry crashed into each other in front of Leo. He instinctively covered his face and turned away as he felt the cold energy slap him.

  “Go now!” KRenn yelled.

  Leo surrounded himself and his brother with all the Artistry in the room. He could feel his brother helping, making the whole process quick. It was maintaining the link in the rift that was difficult. Leo held as tightly as he could as Andar walked in. The link broke immediately.

  KRenn sighed in frustration.


  After the better part of the day, during which they broke for a meal and allowed the rift stones to collect more Esitry, Leo and Andar had finally managed to hold a link between them as Andar walked into the dome. Leo now understood why KRenn had been so frustrated with them. This was actually quite easy once they understood how to hold the link.

  Before, Leo and Andar had gripped it so tightly that it was bound to slip out as soon as anything moved it, such as the Esitry of the dome. The key was to hold the Artistry loosely, protectively. It made Leo feel like he was helping someone with poor balance stand on one foot. This person would start to fall one way, so Leo pushed him the other way. Then he would start to fall that way, so Leo would have to balance him out again. The Artistry behaved like this as the Esitry pulled on it.

  However, the Artistry did not like to link Leo to his brother. It wanted to break, glad for the bond of Esitry to pull it away. But so long as Leo and his brother allowed the link to move slightly, it remained intact.

  It frustrated Leo that KRenn had not instructed them how to do this. But when Andar had angrily brought it up, KRenn apologized and genuinely seemed regretful. It took away Leo’s anger to see how much this man suffered. He didn’t have the focus to teach them much, yet they had so much to learn.

  “We’re almost ready to return to the rift and for you to go inside, Andar,” KRenn said.

  While training, Leo had blissfully forgotten how soon they would endanger themselves. He almost wished they could go back to failing, to stay here where it was safe, but lives depended on them. As with everything terrible that had to be done—the sooner the better.